Dec 11, 2022
- Paul's injury-free Rugged Maniac experience
- Adriana's injury
- Island Wellness salt cave
- Bodhi Water Journey
- Paul Stroessner Jr., MFA - Paul graduates with a Master's degree
in Creative Writing
- What Cheer Writer's Club
- Downtown Jingle 5k
- Journal of the Rhode Runner
- Episode 69, Dude!
- Never Too Late:
Inspiration, Motivation, and Sage Advice from 7 Later-in-Life
Athletes by Kate Champion
-Bravey: Chasing Dreams, Befriending
Pain, and Other Big Ideas by Alexi
Please subscribe to the Journal of the Rhode Runner
You can find Adriana at:
Instagram @SoulFriendYoga
email: adriana@soulfriendyoga
YouTube: Adriana Ferns – Use the code SOUL20 for 20% off
You can find The Rhode Runner in the following places:
Twitter: @TheRhodeRunner
Instagram: @TheRhodeRunner
You can also download and subscribe to the Journey of the Rhode Runner Podcast at: