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Inspiring Journeys

I am Paul, a Rhode Islander who is going to run a 5k and raise money for a charity in all 50 states. Come join me on my journey. I will talk about races and charities, as well as talk about life in Rhode Island. There will also be interviews with race directors, charities, other people in the health and fitness community, as well as local Rhode Island businesses.

Nov 14, 2020

Welcome to a new episode of Journey of the Rhode Runner! 

Warning: If you are not happy with the election results, or are in denial that there are actual real election results, you can skip ahead to 14:25, and will enjoy a great show! If you are happy about the election results, you will love this from beginning to end! There are a few spots where there were audio problems towards the beginning, but hopefully they aren't too distracting.

We cover a wide range of topics. Enjoy the show!


  • Celebrate good times, come on! 
  • America's wake-up call
  • Politics talk - If you're not happy about the election results, skip to 14:25. If you're happy, Enjoy!
  • Paul is up to 4 mile runs
  • Adriana is out running again
  • Adriana's recipe (Italian style, so don't expect measurements)
  • If you're bush is free, you should have cheap nuts
  • Pull-up challenge
  • Lose Weight app
  • Getting out and coping with Covid
  • When you're sitting in you're pile of s**t, enjoy it for a minute then get the f**k out


We would  love to hear from you. Do you have any favorite healthy recipes? Do you have any workout or health & fitness questions?

Also, what gear do you wear when you run or work out? Do you have any inspiring stories, books, or documentaries you'd like to tell us about? Please let us know if you have any questions or stories for us to read on the air. You can email

You can also contact us at the following places:

Adriana can be found on:

Instagram at @ajoylifestyle


You can find The Rhode Runner in the following places:

Twitter: @TheRhodeRunner

Instagram: @TheRhodeRunner


You can also download and subscribe to the Journey of the Rhode Runner Podcast at:

Apple Podcasts




Or anywhere you normally get your podcasts from.