Jan 14, 2022
- Twenty-Twenty 2: Electric Boogaloo
- Who does your virus vote for?
- Paul's Florida trip
- Bad ending to 2021
- Goal Setting and Writing Down Your Accomplishments from the Past
- 2021: Peaks and Valleys
- Adriana's MovNat Certification
- Listener Question about the metabolic system
- Clean Eating
- Paul's Podcast picks:
- Adriana's pick:
- SoulFriend Yoga update
- Confessions of an Unlikely
Runner by Dana Ayers
- Inkfish Books
You can find Adriana at:
Instagram @SoulFrienndYoga
email: adriana@soulfriendyoga
YouTube: Adriana Ferns
You can find The Rhode Runner in the following places:
Twitter: @TheRhodeRunner
Instagram: @TheRhodeRunner
You can also download and subscribe to the Journey of the Rhode Runner Podcast at:
Please feel free to check out the Patreon page, where for $3 you will get the following, along with this full podcast episode which includes the details Paul’s visit to the medical tent: